A new paper cord installation by Devran Mursaloglu

Paper Cord Artwork by Devran Mursaloglu

Paper Cord Artwork by Devran Mursaloglu

Artwork made of paper cord (paper twine) by Devran Mursaloglu (photography by Yücel Zorlu)

We shared some pictures of the amazing paper works by Devran Mursaloglu with you earlier this year (you can find the article here. Now we have the pleasure to show you some pictures of her most recent work. The installation is made of paper cord (our thickest paper twine) and is currently on view in the Tahtakale Hamam in Istanbul as part of the exhibition “Uncanny Games”. This hamam was built in the 15th century and is among the oldest historic works of art in the Ottoman Empire. Besides the installation by Devran it currently houses the works of 22 artists from different disciplines who explore the different meanings of the concept of “game”. The exhibition is on view until October 28, 2011 and definitely worth a visit.

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